Title: Spirits of the Land: St. Peter's Catholic Mission, Suquamish Tribe
Item I.D.: Archdiocese_08_A
Description: Northwest historian David Buerge talks about the missionary activities of Rev. A. M. A. Blanchet among the Suquamish Tribe in the 1830s and 1840s. This segment was created for Reel to Real, a television program of the Archdiocese of Seattle in the 1980s.
The Archives of the Archdiocese of Seattle serve the information needs of the Church and civil community by preserving and providing appropriate access to records documenting the history of the Catholic Church in Western Washington. Archival materials are preserved to memorialize the corporate and ministerial activities -- enabling continuity in decision making, supporting programs, and facilitating historical research. They also oversee the management of current diocesan records and assist parishes and schools in the administration of their own records programs.
Digitization of this videotape material has been made possible, in part, by a grant from 4Culture.
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